The Retro Experience
Welcome to! was drifting off topic as my interests expanded, so it was time to expand on a new name and updated charter!
Not only will I continue on with all the Commodore projects, I am also adding some Apple and Retro PC projects. You have already seen a few of the Mac projects such as the Mac Mystic and the Mac SE conversion to a Pi based Mac with replacement LCD screen. All these will continue likely with a few more in the future.
I have been acquiring some older PC’s a few 486 DX2 66’s, a pair of Dell Core Duo Machines, a no brand Gigabyte based system and soon a no brand 486 system. I am thinking the no-brand systems will be the keepers and the commercial brands will all be updated and juiced up and sold off. This should offset the overall cost and make a few awesome retro machines available on ebay.
Over the next few months you will see the branding of the site change a bit and by 2/16/2024 the new link to the site should be working. Both will continue to work for a while until I slowly decommission the old commodorenow link.
Stay tuned and watch for the new project posts and radar screen updates!