Retro Station

The fun of Retro Pain

My mom as a child would assault me with Astrology, telling me how my planets and moons were what made me misbehave. I probably had it coming to me in some ways, I was an explorer from early on, ripping apart radios and such and rewiring them to suit my own needs. No, it was genius on my part as more often then not, many things never got put back together or worse didn’t pan out. Well, I digress! 🙂

This past week I have been off and many pieces and parts of the retro station arrived and started coming together. A lot of it is trial and error and shifting the various major components around to make them fit and be functional. As I type I am waiting for the last major part of Version 1. The Commodore 1902A should arrive today and hopefully it will work. I know it will be in a bit of rough condition and there may be little I can do about that. It was on the cheaper side as phase 2 will include some new Checkmate monitors and perhaps a new desk to fit it all. We will have to wait and see.

Challenges this week have centered around the Amiga 1200 and getting it up and running the way I like. I just cant seem to get the Plipbox networking solution working with Roadshow. I arrived to a point today where I just need to put it down and take a break from it, google some more and see if I can figure it out eventually. Something with the actually routing, despite setting the routing in the config and setting the DNS servers manually. I suspect that while I originally thought it was a DNS issue, its actually a routing issue as I can not ping the router itself.

In that vain I have sat down to write the blog and work on the Blog Site in general trying to make it cosmetically pleasing, The wordpress plugin I found happens to be very nice, so I have been playing and learning how to get the site to look the way I like. Next for today is a Logo for Commodore Now and I believe that will wrap up the blogging for today.

Once the monitor arrives I will plug it in to the remaining space I left for it and see what happens. Will it work, or will there have to be a plan B? Stay tuned to find out. And with that said, back to the opening, the fun is in the trials and tribulations that go into making things work for me. I dont know how many games I will play when this is all built out, how many failures will result in it all, and what it will exactly look like when I get there. There in lies the fun for me, its a creativity of its own kind with a huge helping of tinkering and problem solving. And now you know just a little more about me. My mind loves to always be working on something!

Take care, stay safe and come back next week where I hope to have more progress to report!
