Space Changes

With the new checkmate monitors nearing production it was really time for me to get ready for them. To do that I was going to need more desktop space so I went really simple by purchasing another set of cabinets and purchasing some very large 2″x12″x10′ boards and laying them across the cabinets and existing desk and then stacking more cabinets, then building a shelf, another layer of shorter cabinets and a few more thick planks for a top shelf.

That ironically was the easy part compared to unhooking everything, moving it out of the way and then starting the task of wiring it all together again. I usually do these projects in phases so it will be awhile before I finalize all the cable routing. Especially since I don’t have the new monitors yet and will be living with the older ones for a while. Also, I have added another computer to the collection, a used Commodore 128, another 1071 Drive and the prize of the deal, a 1084 monitor!

I added a master power strip today over lunch and of course that will take some more work to get all the cords corrected. This will allow me to turn on the drives and some of the retro switch systems where the power switches don’t live in friendly places.

I really like how simple to build this design was and also how functional it will become when i am all done. I hope to have the new monitors this summer, so we will see what happens then!

It will be a while before its all the way I want it, and truth be told, I am visualizing and planning as I go which usually means things are apt to change a bit as well. I dont think all machines will be setup and ready to go at all times either. There are just too many now.